Rockbuster Movie Rentals

Career Foundry - Data Immersion Bootcamp
Rockbuster Movie Rentals



Rockbuster Stealth LLC, a global movie rental company with a focus on physical stores, is facing growing competition from online video rental platforms. As a result, Rockbuster is exploring a transition to an online rental model and requires data-driven insights into customer behavior, revenue streams, and film popularity to guide their strategy.


Provide insights to address key business questions and develop a strategy for Rockbuster's transition to an online platform.

Identify the films that generate the highest and lowest revenue.

Analyze customer distribution by country, determine where high-value customers are concentrated, and assess whether sales vary by region.

Calculate the average rental duration across different customer segments.



Analytical Techniques:

Data Preparation: Profiling, cleaning, and organizing data for analysis.

Data Exploration & Analysis: SQL querying for insights, including aggregation, filtering, sorting, and summarization.

Advanced SQL Techniques: Use of joins, subqueries, and Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to manipulate data.

Visualization: Creation of visual insights using Tableau charts.

Data Modeling & Understanding: Development of entity-relationship diagrams and utilization of a data dictionary for structure and clarity.

Data Information:Rockbuster Stealth Data Set.


As a Data Analyst proficient in SQL, I analyze data to uncover key business insights and provide actionable recommendations.


Rentals and Time:
Most rentals are 5 days long with average length of movies being about 115 minutes.

Rating and Popularity:
Our most popular movie rating is PG-13. It's important to note that our inventory consists mostly of PG-13 movies, which could lead to higher rentals for that rating.

Category and Popularity:
The most popular category is Sports by a small margin, with only a fraction of difference between other categories. Our inventory is mostly balanced across categories, but Sports still constitutes the majority.

Top 10 Countries with the most customers:

India has the most customers out of all the other countries

Top 5 high paying customers:

Our highest paying customer is from Atlixco Mexico with a total payment of $128.70


Country responsible for most payment amount is India at 19%, Most popular rating is PG-13 at 22%, Most popular category is sports at 17%

Adding more language options for more accessibility:

We currently have only one language for our movies, which is English. My recommendation is to concentrate on creating Hindi dubs, as Hindi is the most popular language in India. India accounts for 19% of our overall revenue and shows similar popularity metrics, with PG-13 being the most popular rating and sports being the most popular movie category.

If we focus first on dubbing movies that are both PG-13 and sports films, this represents only 2% of our inventory, totaling 144 movies. This will significantly increase accessibility for our Indian customers. After we complete the dubbing process, we should consider adding more Indian-produced films to our inventory as well.

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